Thursday, 30 June 2011

Skin Care Solutions - Dry And Oily Skin

Skin care is an important part of the condition of your skin, but it is not the only component where a great complexion is concerned. It is very important to take care of one’s eating habits as junk food and fast food, which create fat in the body, will also result in pimples or scaly skin.
Serious Skin Care Problems

For effective results there are several treatments for different kinds of skin.

Treating Dry Skin:
Cosmetics containing chemicals can aggravate the problem of dry skin as these substances tend to draw moisture of already dry skin. Natural ingredients such as coconut oil, shea butter and olive oil prove to be the best moisturizers for dry skin. A lotion for dry skin should be nourishing but not heavy. A product that is good for dry skin will include ingredients such as ceramides, hyaluronic acid, lanolin and glycerin.

One should avoid chemicals on dry skin and should look for natural products that will help maintain the moisture content in your skin. Though dealing with dry skin is difficult, there are solutions for it.

Treating Oily Skin:
The factors affecting oily skin include diet, products used on skin as also heredity. The best remedy for oily skin is to avoid greasy and oily foods and have plenty of water. Also, products produced specially for oily skin should not contain heavy oils which clog the skin pores. While searching for a good product for oily skin, one should look for a silicone based facial primer. Blotting tissues are a good alternative to powder and prove to be less messy too.

Many skin remedies are natural and can be applied without any fear of chemicals. One can use witch hazel as a natural astringent and milk as a natural cleanser.

One also needs to be patient as not all products work on a particular individual. If one product does not give desired results you should try another, and not give up if it takes time for the results to show.

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